Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Body Painting or Lots and Lots of Henna

Thursday, July 17, 2014

I was hired to do henna tonight at a birthday party for a 14-year-old girl. The kids were great, though I was really disconcerted to hear "Oh, this is from Glee" when songs from my junior high and high school years were playing. Wow, am I that old? Really? When did that happen?!

At any rate, the party was outside, where the humidity was wreaking a bit of havoc with the henna's consistency, but I got some decent results and the kids loved it. Mom had set up a great little table from me, with printed paisley designs to "set the scene." That was great!

Some of my pieces...

(The girl pulled this one up on her smartphone; it apparently means "love.")

(In case you can't tell, peace signs are "in" this year!)

And my very last request of the night, from the birthday girl's younger brother, a penguin. I drew it first in surgical marker to be sure I'd get it right, and you can still see it behind the henna. The marker is easily washed off, while the henna stain will remain. It was quite dark at this point, and I was working by a dim porch light, so I wasn't quite as "on" the marker as I thought I was.

And yes, the penguin is holding a little fish. I just had to.

A Saturday Evening Party

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I was hired to paint at a birthday party this evening, only it wasn't a children's party.  Some couples were getting together for the adults' birthdays, and wanted to keep the kids entertained.  I'd painted these beautiful girls before, at the McFaul Environmental Center in Wyckoff, when I was there for Bergen County's annual Cabbage Night Festival.  Their mom showed me a photo from that day, and I recognized my work instantly.

Tonight, mom had me get there a little early so I could paint up the sisters before the others arrived.  The younger went first, a beautiful butterfly who informed me that her favorite color was purple.

Her older sister decided on a puppy.

Later in the party, though, the puppy was washed off in favor of a leopard to mach her shirt.

I also got to do a whole garden full of flowers.  The girls' teacher, who was there to watch them for a while, and another older relative got them on their fingers; the smaller girls and one mom got them on their hands.

There were also princess swirls, a vine with butterflies, and a very cute penguin to match one young man's shirt.  I love painting for such nice families!

A Day of Firsts

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I painted today at two birthday parties. The earlier, in Wayne, was a first birthday, and it was a slow start. Lots of kids wanted to get painted, but no one wanted to be first. I find that every now and again. Well, this brave girl decided to run with it, and became a puppy.

She was great, and the face was a hit That prompted her friend to join in, but she was more or less undecided as to what she wanted. She started talking around a fish, but didn't see how I could do it, so I suggested a fishbowl.

My first ever fishbowl! She loved it, as did everyone else there. Both girls took cards, and one told me that her dad said they might want me for her birthday too.

Meanwhile, a mom and dad of one of the kids each separately came over to book me for a party in early June!

After that, I got a couple of superheroes. Batman blinked, but they look great together.

This boy had been afraid to get painted initially, and then pulled together the courage to do it. He was ecstatic with his train, and kept wanting to look at it, either in the mirror or just by looking down at his nose as best he could.

My next victim originally wanted to be a Power Ranger, but no one had Google access to get me a photo to follow. I admit that's one cartoon I've never watched. So he came up with a bear idea, and dad asked me to do a ferocious bear, rather than a cute teddy. I did my best to comply, right down to the snarling teeth and fish dinner.

Last, but definitely not least, grandma wanted a bluebird on her collarbone.

The shimmery blue I used was one of my new Fardel liquid paints, the ones I got from my Secret Santa in the UK. Now I'm truly addicted to them. It looked amazing in person, with a coppery shimmer that I loved!

It was just such a great party. Yes, it's a business for me, but more than the cash, I love it when everyone's into the painting and having fun. I love it when kids who are shy at first finally get up the courage to get painted and really enjoy it. I love it when adults are willing to join in the fun. And of course, I love it when people love the work I do. I won't lie, the ego boost is nice and I left the party feeling really happy and full of adrenaline.

The second party, in Lincoln Park, was a referral from the mom at this party last year! In fact, my Gene Simmons was at the party too, as was last year's birthday boy, who I'd painted as a pirate. He wasn't into getting painted this time, but his mom was.

I got to play with my new Fardel paints again, too!

The birthday boy chose one of my favorite things to paint - a tiger.

How cute was he? He loved it, and promptly became a tiger, growling and baring his claws at the other kids. Some other animals joined him in the jungle, though. Like a leopard.

And a lion.

And even a mini tiger. I love it when the littles get painted!

Once that cutie got painted, of course, other parents wanted to see if their kids would sit for me too, and they got even younger! Like this puppy, who was about 7 months.

After that, the parents of this 4-month-old had to see if he could be painted too. I think he might be my youngest customer to date!

And I'm not sure that record will ever be beat.

Of course, not everyone was a jungle animal or tiny. We had a kitty.

And a Giants fan, despite their current standing as 10th place in the NFC.

Gotta respect that!

Another great party for a bunch of great people. All in all, it was a terrific day!

I love face painters!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm a member of several worldwide face painting discussion groups. One is small enough, though international, and close enough, that we've become good friends. So a couple years ago, someone suggested a secret Santa exchange, and of course I wanted to participate. I love gifts - giving and receiving!

Our version extended past the holidays, into mid-January.

Yesterday, I was feeling really blech. My stomach was bothering me, and I didn't get anything done as intended. So when the doorbell rang and the dog went crazy barking, I was in even less of a good mood. When I got there, though, things got a lot better. I had a fat, padded envelope from a great face painter, Paula Southern, in the UK!

Wow, did I score! In addition to some awesome organic chocolate, a soap making book and some essential oils for our soaps and other bath products, a beautiful card to inspire my henna,

and some very cool bindis,

she sent me three bags of gorgeous shimmery cosmetic glitter.

And on top of that, my personal favorite, she sent me six jars of liquid Fardel face paint! Just look at those amazing colors! The deep blue is already my favorite.

Fardel is a Belgian face paint company, still EU and FDA compliant, but hard to get here in the States. So this is HUGE for me. I can't wait until my next party on 1/23, so I can try them out!

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